In light of recent events, we continue to evaluate our drop-off and pick-up procedures for safety and efficiency. We have noticed cars that turn left at the overhang instead of looping around in the back of the building are often driving at unsafe speeds and unaware of students and staff in the crosswalks. In order to address this issue, we will be coning off this lane so the only way to access the drop-off and pick-up line will be through the line that loops around in the back of the building. We realize this might cause some inconvenience, but we prioritize the safety of our students over everything else and feel this is an action that needs to be taken at this point in time. We will begin with the cones on Monday, February 17th.
Dear Burleigh Families,
This year your student will have the opportunity to participate in the Burleigh Science Fair. This project is optional for all students in K4-5th grade and will be showcased at school on Friday, March 21, 2025.
Students will complete 100% of the project at home. They are expected to plan and conduct their experiments, record their data, and prepare their display board. Students who sign up for the science fair will be emailed a science fair planning packet that provides additional information. Students will not conduct their experiments at the science fair, but they are welcome to bring artifacts to display (props, photos, results, etc.).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michael Goodman (3rd grade) at
If you are interested in participating, sign up at the LINK below:
Dear Burleigh Elementary School families,
Kids Heart Challenge is wrapping up soon, and we are so proud of all we have accomplished! Your enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment to learning about our hearts and brains have created an incredible community of heart heroes! ❤️
The challenge isn’t over yet! We are so close to our goal of having our Best Year Yet by raising $10,000 for the American Heart Association. There’s still time to make a difference, please sign-up and join our school’s team of lifesavers. Donations are due 2/14/2025. Together, we can reach our goal and continue spreading awareness about the importance of heart and brain health.
Remember, every action counts. Whether it’s learning about Hands-Only CPR, understanding the warning signs of heart attack and stroke, or simply sharing our cause with friends and family, together we are making an impact.
Help us Save Lives by following these steps:
- Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
- Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
- OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year.
- We are so close to our Finn’s Mission goal! We only need 2 more students to complete Finn’s Mission to be entered to win a $10,000 gym or playground makeover.
- Complete Finn’s Mission - Students who complete Finn’s Mission this year will earn a superhero cape and be entered to win 2 tickets to the SUPERBOWL in 2026.
- Raise $100 or More For your Chance to win a WARMIE JUNIOR - Drawings will take place when donations are due!
Thank you for being part of the Kids Heart Challenge, supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Together, we are providing hope and health for everyone, everywhere.
We are thrilled to announce the formation of the Burleigh Vikings soccer teams for all grades! Starting THIS Spring, the Elmbrook Elementary Schools, in partnership with Soccer Stars, will be launching the first season of the Elmbrook Elementary School Spirit Soccer League! Your Vikings will attend a weekly practice and participate in 2 Soccer Festivals where they will compete with other schools in the Elmbrook School District to win the coveted Soccer Stars School Spirit Cup! The winning school will be able to hoist the trophy at the end of the season and display the trophy in their school for all to see! REGISTER NOW to secure your spot! The first 60 kids that sign up will have a guaranteed spot on the team! Scholarship opportunities are available. Click Here to complete the scholarship application.
It’s a Sock Hop!
Put on your dancing shoes because Burleigh’s Sock Hop will be held on Friday, February 21st, 2025 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Join us for an exciting evening of music, dancing, food and games. Admission is $16 per family or $8 per individual.
Registration forms will be sent home on Friday, February 14th and can be turned in through Friday morning.
All proceeds from the Sock Hop benefit Burleigh’s fabulous Music Department!
This year’s monies raised will go towards funding special projects for the music department. The music teachers would like to replace a few very old string and band instruments.
This event cannot run successfully without volunteers!
If iinterested, please email Laura Stier at or fill out the volunteer section on the registration form.
See you there!